Monday, October 21, 2013

5th Grade Personal Logos

Close-up of selection of original sketches for one logo. 

This project has quickly become one of my favorites in 5th grade. I feel like I'm constantly coming up with cool projects for my older students and I don't have enough time to teach them all. 

The underlying theme with my 5th graders is careers in art. Not every project hits on it, but many of the 5th grade projects directly relate to potential art related jobs. It's pretty obvious that this is one of those projects. 

For this project, each student comes up with a personal logo. We get really in-depth about the design process. Students usually come up with at least 20 thumbnail sketches before getting together with two friends for peer reviews. They then create two second drafts in color before choosing the final design. I would love to have the kids do their final art on the computer, but computer access isn't terribly easy here and I don't have access to color printer anyway. We rock the colored pencils instead. The final logo is presented along with a selection of first and second draft sketches. 

Check out the full lesson plan here! 


  1. Congrats on the 1st place and the great ideas. I want to do a logo with my 5th graders for the World Cup since I am a teacher at an American School in Brazil. I couldn´t get your lesson plan for the personal logo design to download and would like to have a look for my research. Can you help me? I´ll be sure to give you credit with my kids!

  2. Stephen, I must have entered the link incorrectly. I've got it fixed now. Let me know if you have any problem getting to the lesson. If you do, let me know your email address and I'll send it directly.
