Wednesday, April 29, 2015

An Ode to the Art Show

It's been all cricket sound effects around the blog lately. Why? Let's think. What event that typically happens in the spring is an all-consuming vortex of time? Oh, yeah. The art show. 

Pre-staging the show in the AM…on the stage.
The art teacher prior to me didn't do an art show. I'm not really sure why. She was an outstanding and well-loved teacher, but the show just never happened. I'm of the opinion that parents as well as teachers and administrators need to know what is going on in the art room. I feel compelled to show off the work that my students have done all year. I'm driven to display two pieces of artwork for every single student even though my numbers have gone up by 100 students in the time I've been at Thomas. I'd display more...if I could just get more to fit. This year, we had nearly 1,000 individual pieces of artwork in addition to the group stop motion animation film that the entire 5th grade created.

The 7th Annual Thomas Elementary Art Show was a big hit. Several hundred students, parents, and families attended to check out the amazing students work and eat some delicious cookies. The show is just up for one evening. While its time is fleeting, the art show is hugely important to my students. For the rest of the week following the show, students were telling me how fun it was and how they enjoyed showing their work to their families. 
Yes the art show is a LOT of work. Things of great importance typically are.


  1. I am always so amazed by teachers that put on their own art shows! We have a multi-district, public, private, charter, and homeschool joint festival where we team up with the local Arts Council and the local libraries. Even with all of us working together its an insane process. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to do it on my own.

  2. What did you cover your table with? And what crayons are you using?

  3. I just covered the tables with paper from the big rolls the school keeps around. I drew on frames and different things to give students something to inspire them. I just use Crayola crayons. Nothing fancy.
