Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Little Artist!!!!!

I think some of my regular readers may be a little disappointed with my number of posts this year. This blog is VERY important to me, but I will admit that I haven't been keeping up with it the way I should be. I promise that I have been doing all kinds of cool stuff and I will be updating more soon. 

I think I have a pretty good reason for not posting as much lately. On December 13th, my wife and I welcomed our first child, Olivia, into the world! She is amazing and adorable and awesome and all of the things that new dads always say about their kids. After being off for a month for paternity leave and winter break, I'll be going back to school tomorrow. I'll be posting more projects, including several brand new lessons, very soon. For now, try not to say, "Awwwwwwwwwww," when you look at this picture! 


  1. I tried.. but couldn't help it.
    AWWWWWWWW!! :)

  2. So amazingly sweet!! Rocks your world doesn't the best possible way. I love being a job ever!

  3. You're exactly right. It changes everything!
