Wednesday, February 13, 2013

3rd Grade Self Portraits in Time

This is another project that I had my sub run part of while I was out on paternity leave. It is pretty straightforward and my students really seemed to enjoy it. 

We started out by talking about what a self portrait is and comparing several famous examples. After doing a demo on the chalk board (yeah, they do still exist), I had my 3rd graders start working on drawing themselves. I have these cool double-sided mirrors that my students used in order to draw directly from life. After a day of practice, they drew their final portrait. They were allowed to draw themselves in any time period, including the present. The portraits were then painted with tempera paint. I think I ended up with pretty good results overall. 

Here is a link to the handout I drew up for my students to work from. Feel free to use it in your classroom if you'd like!

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