Thursday, March 21, 2013

Monsters Don't Like Broccoli Multimedia by 1st Graders

There are activities that I'm sure carry over to all kids in all art classes throughout the entire world. One of those things is that first graders go absolutely NUTS for oil pastel resist with watercolor. I'm absolutely certain of it.To a first grader pastel resist is some form of magic. That's pretty cool to me. 

This project is based on the book Monsters Don't Eat Broccoli  by Barbara Jean Hicks. Obviously we all know that monsters don't eat broccoli. It's a well-documented fact.

For this project, my students created a oil pastel resist city background and a monster on a separate piece of construction paper. We added some cool textures/patterns with some simple printmaking with caps and pieces of cardboard. The last step was for students to pick out which food they like the least and make it with construction paper. It was pretty interesting and funny to see what first graders don't like to eat. 

Check out the lesson plan here!


  1. Glad you tried this lesson. It was one of my classes fave's!

  2. I want to follow your blog but don't see a follow button! Maybe it's not loading correctly on my iPad?? Thank you for your kind comment about our arcade in Suffield!
