Monday, April 21, 2014

Art Show 2014 is in the Books!

I've been rather absent from posting over the last several weeks. Why? Two words. ART SHOW. As all of my teacher readers know, organizing and setting up an art show takes many, many, many hours. Every spare moment I had at school went toward making name tags, organizing work, creating signs, etc. The list of things to do is always exceedingly long. 

The 6th annual Thomas Elementary Art Show was last week and went quite well. Over 1000 pieces of artwork were on display and the 5th grade stop motion films premiered. Attendance was spectacular. It is worth all of the work to see my students proudly telling their parents all about their work. 

I must give many thanks to several 5th grade student volunteers who gave up a week's worth of lunch recess to help with anything they were asked to do. I also need to thank my wife who took a vacation day to help set up the show. Finally, thanks to the Thomas PTO for providing cookies as well as volunteers to help take the show down at the end of the evening. Overall, the show was a huge success. Best of all, it's done now!
My daughter loved her second art show!

A fun Pinterest inspired idea for drawing during the show.


  1. Congrats on a great looking show! Seriously stealing the frames mural, very fun idea!

  2. Stole it last night and it was a big hit - thank you!
