
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day!

 It's a new school year. How can I tell? My floors are like mirrors. It's my favorite part of the beginning of each year. The custodial staff at my school is awesome and I greatly appreciate the work they put in over the summer to get the building ready for a new school year. 

For me, it's back to waking up early, trying to remember my routine, and not getting to hang out with my little girl nearly as much. The new year also brings excitement about new ideas, art, and a district emphasis on creativity and critical thinking. I'm super excited about that last part. 

I also re-arranged my tables this year. I've had the same setup for seven years in a row and I needed a change. I'm hopeful that the new setup will work well. Even if it doesn't, I burned at least 500 calories moving them around over and over until I finally figured out something that I hope will work! 

There are some new posters hanging in the art room this year. I took inspiration from quotes from such greats as Albert Einstein, Bob Ross, and Adam Savage. I also grabbed some from The Art of Education who was kind enough to put together a couple of helpful art room signs. 

I hope everyone has a great 15-16 school year!
Two greats. Einstein and Ross. 

AOE has these signs available as free downloads!
Teaching that failure is not a negative experience this year. Adam Savage said it best. 


Anonymous said...

I love the Bob Ross poster! These are great :)

Hope Hunter Knight said...

Looking good - can't wait to see what y'all share with us this year!

Zach Stoller said...

Same to you, Hope!

Anonymous said...

Hi Zach! Where on AOE can you find these? I haven't found them yet...

Zach Stoller said...

I just put the link in the description under the AOE posters. I meant to put in the original post, but must have forgotten. Also, -->

Anonymous said...

The room looks great and thanks for the reminder about the AOE posters! I had them on my desktop but forgot to print them... doing it now! Looking forward to seeing what happens in your room this year.